Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Matrix training has begun!

Our first day of matrix training was yesterday and we were broken in gently... The system looks good, logical and well sign posted however, the amount of information we will be asking our editors for is far greater than currently. So, that should be interesting!

As we'll be using a lot of tagging & metadata to help us sort and display content within the site we'll need to collect far more when a page is created. The advantages are huge as ultimately it'll help with keeping site content up-to-date and relevant. The disadvantage is that we will need to sell the idea to our staff!

So, one training session done and 5 left to go...

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Sage Pay

Brilliant stand at internet world from sage pay, fake grass, garden shed, deck chairs and pimms...

Facebook at internet world

Interesting to see Facebook exhibiting at Internet World, I've not seen them at these events before. Minimal paperwork on the desks but they are pushing advertising with ad words and also marketing via Facebook pages. Interesting to see them as we've had great success with Facebook ads, cheap and well targeted with a good CTR.

Internet World 2011

It's that time again, Internet World is hitting London at Olympia and i'll be attending today. I'll be looking to update the blog during the proceedings with anything that looks of interest! So a short posting to start with saying that i'm not my way... the wonders of blogging via a netbook connected to my mobile which is acting as my wifi hotspot. I love technology sometimes! More later...

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Google Talk on Android...

Google has just announced that support for video chat and voice chat using Google Talk is coming to Android handsets!

As an owner of an Android handset (Desire HD) this sounds like the first steps to the hallowed release of Google Voice in the UK... maybe. The issue with this exciting news is that it's only going to be rolled out in the 2.3.4 update for the Nexus S in the next few weeks, then for other 2.3 Android devices in the near future. No mention of Android 2.2 users... which includes me and around 75% of other users!

At the moment i'm still waiting for the 2.3 upgrade to be run through HTC for them to add in their own tweaks before they release the upgrade to the world. This has no timeframe on it and with the speed of releases from Google it could be that 2.4 or 2.5 will be ot before we have the chance to upgrade to 2.3!

I love the idea of open source and Android is a great mobile operating system but having it run through a third party leads to delays in roll out, bloated applications and potential conflicts of interest.

The big question mark at the moment is if open source solutions survive the transition to paid for & support devices?

To root or not to root, that is the question!

You can read more about the developments on the Google Blog.