The new homepage is live!
We've made a number of changes to our new homepage:
- More social! Twitter, YouTube & Share/Like buttons are now on the homepage
- Scrolling news articles
- Four new buttons (Google DFP powered)
- Easier navigation to courses
It's been a major tweak rather than a redesign but allows us to present a number of key areas in a much clearer way.
Getting social
We have always been keen to promote our social media channels and so are using 'Share This' to embed a number of social buttons in the footer.
More news!
We've added in a new scroll n the news stories, this replaces the
tabbed layout and allows for additional news stories to be displayed.
New button banners
The four new buttons across the middle of the page are running from the DFP Ad Manager system from Google which allows us to keep track of the number of impressions and clicks the banners get. More exciting is that it allows us to run a number of visuals to test which one generates the most clicks with weighting options built in! It also allows us to run banners with scheduling and impression counts on them so no more calendar notes to take banners down!
The part we are most excited about is the geo-targeting options which allows us to localise aspects of the site for our international audience. EU and International banners are substituted in should the visitor be from outside the UK.... genius!
Course links
Alongside the course finder we now include links to the listings for FD, UG and PG courses.
So that's the initial refresh of the homepage done, next on the list is an improvement to the course finder and ideas around how to improve the homepage banner!